Chapter 2644 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep136
- As tempted as Mike was to go straight to the room, as Lil was suggesting, his darker side just couldn't pass up the opportunity to finish the night as he had intended, every since spying Lil and the passed out kid. He had hoped his ability to ply her with a drink, and her sexy attire in a bar full of college boys would make her feel desirable, but things had obviously evolved well beyond his wildest fantasies. His goal of taking her back, buzzed and horny, to check on, with any luck, the still passed out teenager, was coming together better than he could have hoped. Mike didn't know what, if anything, he wanted to happen when she saw the boy again, but he knew his earlier discovery of Lil's apparent fascination with Ron's abnormal penis had turned him on more than he would ever have imagined. He just had to see how she would respond if given a second chance with the kid, especially in her current condition.
- Mike pulled Lil to him, grinding his erection against her stomach and began to nibble and kiss her ear and neck. "Mmmm, yeah, I love to hear you talk dirty like that. I can't wait to get you to the room and .....wait, before we go back, didn't you plan to go check in on the drunk kid one last time?"He asked, anxious to gage her response, but barely pausing as his kisses trailed down her neck to her bare shoulder.
- Not only had their adventure at the bar made Lil incredibly horny, it had pushed the thoughts of Ron, and what she had done back at his room, from her mind. Now, her brain instantly recalled the image of his huge penis being so inadequately clutched in her petite hand. She had promised his mother she'd check in on him, plus given her current state of arousal, she really did want to get another peek. Part of her, however, was nervous about the awkwardness of being with Mike should they find him, perhaps having kicked the sheet free, completely nude. She would have to compose herself and react as if she'd never before seen the boy's penis.